
Friday, April 27, 2012

Ahmad Said kecewa LPT E8 fasa 2 lewat siap / ECE E8 Phase 2 delays disappointed Ahmad Said

DUNGUN: Menteri Besar Terengganu, Datuk Seri Ahmad Said, melahirkan kekecewaannya terhadap Kementerian Kerja Raya kerana lewat membuka semula tender bagi menyiapkan pembinaan Lebuhraya Pantai Timur (LPT) Fasa 2 membabitkan dua laluan yang masih terbengkalai.

Beliau berkata, kementerian sepatutnya membuka tender untuk melantik semula kontraktor yang lebih berwibawa bagi membolehkan dua pakej yang belum siap iaitu pakej 7 laluan Paka-Kemaman sejauh 13.7 kilometer dan pakej 4 laluan Stesen Mardi-Ibok sejauh 3.7 kilometer dilaksana secepat mungkin.

"Saya sangat berharap agar kementerian dapat mempercepatkan proses membuka tender untuk melantik kontraktor lain bagi menyiapkan pembinaan jalan raya di dua laluan itu.

"Jika ia mengambil masa panjang, ini akan merugikan banyak pihak terutama kerajaan negeri kerana kos kewangan semakin meningkat selaras dengan kelewatan itu," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang media selepas mengadakan lawatan kerja bermula dari Plaza Tol Gemuruh, Kuala Terengganu hingga ke Plaza Tol Bukit Besi di sini, hari ini.

Ahmad yang turut diiringi Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Kemudahan Awam negeri, Datuk Za'abar Mohd Adib, juga meninjau keseluruhan laluan LPT sejauh 63.4 kilometer itu, termasuk laluan yang masih dalam pembinaan di sepanjang susur keluar Bukit Besi-Kuala Dungun.

Beliau berkata, jika kontraktor baru yang bakal dilantik itu memberi komitmen terhadap pembinaan dua laluan yang terbengkalai itu, ia dijangka siap dalam tempoh enam bulan sahaja.

"Ini kerana bagi laluan pakej 4, kerjanya sudah siap 60 peratus manakala bagi pakej 7, ia sudah siap 50 peratus," katanya.

Sehubungan itu, kerajaan negeri mensasarkan pembukaan LPT itu sepenuhnya sebelum akhir tahun depan. - BERNAMA

DUNGUN: The General Minister of Terengganu, Datuk Seri Ahmad Said, expressed his disappointment towards the Ministry of Works due to late opening of new tenders to complete the two unfinished sections of the East Coast Expressway (ECE) Phase 2.

He said, the ministry was supposed to open a new tender to re-appoint more credible contractors in order to resume the unfinished two packages, i.e. Package 7 Paka-Kemaman section with the length of 13.7 kilometres, and Package 4 Mardi Station-Ibok with the length of 3.7 kilometres, as soon as possible.

"I really hope that the ministry could hasten the process of opening the new tender to appoint other contractors to complete the two unfinished sections.

"If it takes too long, it will be a loss for many parties especialy the state government because the financial cost will increase due to the delays," he said.

He released the statements in a press conference after a site visit from Gemuruh Toll Plaza, Kuala Terengganu to Bukit Besi Toll Plaza here today.

Ahmad, who was accompanied by the Chairman of the State Infrastructure and Public Amenities Development Committee, Datuk Za'abar Mohd Adib, also monitored the entire ECE route with the total length of 63.4 kilometres, including the segments that are still under construction along the Bukit Besi-Kuala Dungun exit.

He said, if the newly appointed contractors prove full commitment towards the completion of the unfinished two sections, the entire expressway will be able to be completed within just six months.

"It is because the Package 4 is 60% complete while the Package 7 is 50% complete," he said.

Therefore, the state government expected the opening of the entire length of the ECE by the end of next year. - BERNAMA

Sumber / Source: Berita Harian

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