
Monday, December 2, 2013

Belasungkawa: Paul Walker aka Brian O'Conner (1973-2013) - Terlalu pantas, terlalu sekejap / Memorabilia: Paul Walker aka Brian O'Conner (1973-2013) - 2 Fast, 2 Soon

Brian O'Conner (kanan, lakonan Paul Walker) dan Dominic Toretto (lakonan Vin Diesel), dua teraju utama siri francais filem Fast & Furious

Brian O'Conner (right, played by Paul Walker) and Dominic Toretto (played by Vin Diesel), two main protagonists of the Fast & Furious movie franchise

Salam sejahtera,

Siapa tidak kenal dengan watak Brian O'Conner lakonan Paul Walker yang menerajui siri francais filem The Fast and the Furious bersama-sama dengan Dominic Toretto lakonan Vin Diesel. Mereka berdua bersama-sama mengangkat siri francais The Fast and the Furious sebagai filem lumba haram kereta tersohor di dunia selama lebih sedekad dengan aksi-aksi lumba haram yang mendebarkan. Namun, segala-galanya berubah pada 30 November 2013 apabila para peminat francais tersebut dikejutkan dengan kematian Paul Walker dalam satu nahas jalan raya di Valencia, Santa Clarita, California, Amerika Syarikat kira-kira pukul 3.30 pm waktu tempatan. Ia menjadikan filem Fast & Furious 7 yang bakal ditayangkan pada tahun 2014 sebagai filem terakhir lakonannya.

Paul William Walker IV dilahirkan pada 12 September 1973 di Glendale, California. Bapanya, Paul William Walker III, merupakan seorang kontraktor pembetungan manakala ibunya, Cheryl, merupakan seorang bekas model fesyen. Sebaik tamat persekolahan tinggi, Paul Walker IV melanjutkan pelajaran dalam bidang biologi marin sebelum menceburkan diri dalam bidang lakonan.

Greetings everyone,

Everyone is familiar with Brian O'Conner character played by Paul Walker for The Fast and the Furious movie franchise together with Dominic Toretto played by Vin Diesel. Both of them had popularized The Fast and the Furious franchise as the most notorious street racing movie franchise in the planet for more than a decade with adrenaline-pumping street racing scenes. However, everything had changed on 30 November 2013 when the fans of the franchise was shocked by the news of the death of Paul Walker in a road crash at Valencia, Santa Clarita, California, United States at about 3.30 pm local time. It had made the Fast & Furious 7, which will be released on 2014, as his last movie ever.

Paul William Walker IV was born on 12 September 1973 in Glendale, California. His father, Paul William Walker III, was a sewer contractor, while his mother, Cheryl, was a former fashion model. After graduated from high school, Paul Walker IV continued his study further, majoring in marine biology before actively acting.

Kereta Nissan Skyline GT-R R32 kepunyaan Paul Walker yang digunakan dalam 2 Fast 2 Furious

Paul Walker's own Nissan Skyline GT-R R32 used in 2 Fast 2 Furious

Sebenarnya, karier Paul Walker sebagai model bermula seawal umur 2 tahun apabila dia menjadi model untuk iklan Pampers. Kerjaya lakonannya pula bermula pada tahun 1985. Namun, namanya paling terkenal semasa dia mula berlakon dalam filem The Fast and the Furious pada tahun 2001. Berikutan kejayaan filem tersebut, dia berlakon dalam hampir kesemua siri filem dalam francais Fast & Furious (kecuali The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift). Dalam filem 2 Fast 2 Furious, judul kedua bagi siri francais Fast & Furious, dia menggunakan kereta Nissan Skyline GT-R R32 jenis pandu kanan (biasanya Amerika Syarikat menggunakan kereta pandu kiri dam memandu di lorong kanan) kepunyaannya sendiri.

Actually, Paul Walker's career as a model began as early as when he was 2 years old, when he became a model for a Pampers advertisement. His profession as an actor began in 1985. In 2001, Walker's breakthrough role arrived when acting in The Fast and the Furious. Due to the success of the movie, he played for almost all titles in the Fast & Furious franchise (except The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift). In 2 Fast 2 Furious, the second title of the Fast & Furious franchise, he used his own right-hand-drive Nissan Skyline GT-R R32 (normally Americans drive left-hand-drive cars on the right lane).

Video kebakaran kereta Porsche Carrera GT yang dinaiki Paul Walker

A video clip of the Porsche Carrera GT that was boarded by Paul Walker being engulfed in flames

Pada 20 November 2013, Paul Walker datang ke Valencia untuk menjayakan satu pertunjukan amal bagi mengutip derma untuk tabung bantuan mangsa Taufan Haiyan di Filipina. Dia dan rakannya, Roger Rodas, beredar dengan menaiki sebuah Porsche Carrera GT merah kepunyaan Rodas. Namun, kereta tersebut hilang kawalan lalu melanggar sebatang tiang lampu dan sebatang pokok sebelum ia terbakar dan meletup. Menurut seorang anggota bomba veteran di tempat kejadian, adalah mustahil untuk menyelamatkan Walker dan Rodas daripada Porsche Carrera GT yang terbakar itu, memandangkan suhu pada jarak 2 kaki daripada kereta tersebut sudah mencecah 2,000 °F (1,093 °C). Akibat nahas jalan raya tersebut, kedua-dua Walker dan Rodas maut di tempat kejadian. Paul Walker meninggalkan seorang anak perempuan, Meadow, yang berusia 15 tahun.

On 20 November 2013, Paul Walker went to Valencia for a charity event to raise funds for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. He and his friend, Roger Rodas, left on a red Porsche Carrera GT owned by Rodas. However, the car went out of control and hit a street light post and a tree before it burst into flames. According to a veteran firefighter at the site, it was impossible to save Walker and Rodas from the burning Porsche Carrera GT, as the temperature around 2 feet away from the car had already reached 2,000 °F (1,093 °C). Due to the road accident, both Walker and Rodas died on the spot. Paul Walker left behind a 15-year-old daughter named Meadow.

Bangkai kereta Porsche Carrera GT yang rentung akibat kemalangan dan kebakaran susulan

The remains of the charred Porsche Carrera GT due to the accident and the subsequent fire

Blog Jalan Raya Malaysia mengucapkan takziah kepada keluarga mendiang Paul Walker atas kematiannya yang mengejut. Kematiannya merupakan satu kehilangan besar terhadap dunia hiburan dan automotif global.

Malaysian Highway Blog would like to express great condolences to the family of the late Paul Walker for his sudden death. His death is indeed a great loss for the global automotive and entertainment industries.

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